IMPRESSUM - Policy Declaration, data protection commitments. The legal stuff.


Gabriel Foxx is a legally declared pseudonym and trademark of Soul Jai Gabriel Pemberton.  All profits and services involved with operations under the name 'Doppelfoxx' are the responsibility of Gabriel Foxx (Soul Jai Gabriel Pemberton) for all tax and legal purposes. If you have any privacy/data policy questions, you may reach me via any of the methods displayed above or below.

Tax Number:  313/5294/3178 (Not VAT applicable)
Address:  Rosenstraße 10, 32825 Blomberg, Germany
Contact: Soul Jai Gabriel Pemberton |


This website does not display ads, nor does it contain any affiliate links.


This website does not use Google Analytics. It does not set tracking cookies, and it does not collect personal data. Contact forms and widgets on this site are managed by Google, and no information is stored outside of data protection policies stated by Google themselves. 


The information on this website is provided "as-is", without any guarantees. Its authors disclaim all liability for actions taken or not taken based on that information, or for any errors or omissions it may contain.


All content on this website is the sole property of Soul Jai Gabriel Pemberton, and this website is registered as a trade website under the listed tax number. It is hosted and formatted using free services offered by Google Sites.


We are open for hiring for any project, however work that we will and will not take on is subject to individual discrecion, and at any time during the process we reserve the right to terminate a project and provide a refund.

Using work created by us, commissioned from/by us, or collaborated on with us for commercial uses (particularly in the form of NFTs) is strictly forbidden. 

With all that said, we have no limitations on the amount of work we will take on, so again feel free to shoot us a message on Twitter at @Doppelfoxx or an email to

Good luck, and we can't wait to hear from you!


Given the large array and irregularity of the services we offer, individual pricing is quite difficult, and thus is upon inquiry. Price will depend upon complexity, level of existing material to work with, and may include other factors such as licencing when it comes to logos and covers. Feel free to contact us with anything, and we will do the absolute best we can to work out a deal!

Payment is at minimum on a 50/50 basis - 50% before start, 50% after finish. Also note we will not work for free, and rarely perform services for exposure.